Foundations of Supply Chain Management: Full Suite (Six Modules)

Foundations of Supply Chain Management: Full Suite (Six Modules)


The proper management of inventory, the planning process, manufacturing, distribution management, logistics, processes, and the purchasing function are fundamental to a successful supply chain. This self-study course covers key concepts and terms to start building a working knowledge of the methods, techniques, and language of operations management and supply chain management.

Download the Course Overview Guide to see all the available modules, objectives and lessons.

Course Format

Course materials are delivered online. Course content includes readings, videos, and brain-boosting activities to help you retain your new knowledge. Try it on desktop, tablet, or mobile—interactive study tools work either way. You do not need to complete the full module in one sitting. Make progress in this course at your own pace.

Included Modules:

Introduction to Supply Chain Principles

This course covers key concepts and terms to start building a working knowledge of the methods, techniques, and language of operations management and supply chain management.

Foundations of Inventory Management (PIM)

Inventory, if managed strategically, can be used to establish and maintain a company’s competitive advantage. Whether you are a materials manager, buyer/purchaser or inventory planner — or simply need to understand inventory — this course introduces the fundamental concepts.

Foundations of Distribution & Logistics (PDL)

Distribution and logistics professionals must solve thorny problems involving time, place, delivery and levels of service in order for organizations to compete successfully. This course introduces the fundamental concepts required to create an optimal distribution and logistics strategy.

Foundations of Operations Planning (POP)

Operations planning is the ability to take a company’s strategy and break it down into manageable action items. This course introduces the essential concepts and tools required to plan to your company’s strategy.

Foundations of Manufacturing Management

Modern manufacturing techniques have permeated the industry. Competitive manufacturing managers must be familiar with these practices, tools and procedures. This course introduces the fundamental concepts required to align manufacturing with business needs.

Foundations of Managing Operations

Strategic supply chain managers understand the importance of mastering organizational process management and control. This course introduces the fundamental concepts and decision-making tools required for managing operations.

Sale Price: $224

Delivery: Digital File

Access to this product will end on 6/5/25

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Please note: This course is offered as a self-study program.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss custom training for you or your team.