After the Dust Settles—How to Survive and Thrive in the Post-Covid World

a multi-lane road with the sun in the horizon

After the Dust Settles: A Webinar
Presented by Gary Smith
April 27, 2023 at 1 pm EDT

Join Supply Chain Mavens for a webinar on April 27, 2023 at 1 pm EDT. The webinar, “After the Dust Settles,” will be presented by Gary A. Smith, CPIM-F, CSCP-F, CLTD-F. This webinar will focus on how organizations can survive and thrive in the post-COVID world. 

COVID-19 was not a Black Swan event but an accelerant of rapid change that has and will continue to profoundly affect supply chains into the future.  The presentation will discuss three things that the pandemic proved about supply chains and that the success of organizations in the future lies in their ability to adapt, requiring supply chains to be both resilient and agile.  Finally, the presentation also provides eight recommendations for organizations to develop supply chains that can adapt in a post-COVID world as well as some additional changes for organizations to consider to become a “People First” organization. The webinar is based on an article that first appeared in Supply Chain Management Review.

The webinar will be presented by Gary Smith, an Independent Supply Chain Consultant, Author, Speaker, and Mentor. His 40+ year career includes leadership positions in warehouse operations and management consulting in a variety of industries and in both private and public sectors. Gary recently retired as Chief, EAM / SCM for New York City Transit, where he identified and implemented supply chain concepts, tools, equipment, systems, and best practices as New York City Transit implemented its Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) program, to reduce costs and throughput while improving overall processes. He served as its Vice President of Supply Logistics for six years. Gary currently writes the “For What It’s Worth” column for Supply Chain Mavens. He also authored the white paper, “Developing and Agile China Procurement Strategy for a Post-COVID World.”